1 Because we were created to SERVE.
The Bible says that the reason that I saved was for good
works. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in
Circle “created in Christ Jesus for good works.” This is a
message for all Christians. We who are in Christ Jesus are here so we can do
“good works.” If you are a Christian, you were created for service.
2. Serving is evidence that I belong to CHRIST.
The Bible says that as Christians, “We should bear fruit to
God.” Romans 7:4. In fact the Bible goes on to say, “My Father is gloried by
this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be My disciples.” John
15:8. God says that the way that you
know that you’re part of the body of Christ is that you serve others. It’s the
proof. A non-serving Christian is a contradiction in terms. There’s no such
3. Serving others is
the way to SERVE GOD.
No matter what you’re doing you need to ask the question:
"Why am I doing this?" An even better question is: "Who am I
doing it for?" Are you doing it for the Lord? As a Christian everything
you do - is to be done to the glory of the Lord! “The Bible says: “Whatever you
do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord.” Colossians 3:23
Everything we do is to be done as if it is done for God. When
we serve others we should picture that we are serving Jesus. He said, whatever
you did for one of the least of those brothers of Mine, you did for Me.”
Matthew 25: 40
As I said earlier – you will be known by your fruit. Humble,
willing service to others is the same thing as service to God.
4. Serving is the best use of my TIME.
Here’s a riddle for you. We each have the same amount – but
we each have a different amount. What is it? T-I-M-E!
We each have 24 hours in each day. Yet each of us have a
different life span. 1 Corinthians 15:58 in the Message Bible says: “Throw
yourselves into the work of time or effort”. 1 Corinthians 15:58.
If you’re in
Children’s nursery ministry and you change a diaper, it’s not without value. If
you pick up a piece of trash on your way into Sunday morning worship, because
you say, “Someone walking in who needs to know Jesus might be turned off by
this,” that’s not worthless. It’s of value. If you open a door for someone who
needs help and you do it in the name of Jesus, it’s not a waste of time.
The Bible says, whatever you do, if it is done to the glory
of God, it all counts. It’s not so much God’s glory? What’s my attitude? Time
is something that all of us have. What makes a great servant different is the
way they use their time. Are you using it to serve others or are you using it
to serve self?
5. Serving gives my life PURPOSE.
By serving others we find out who we really are. Mark 8:35 in
the message Bible says: “Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the
way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self.” Mark 8:36
I don’t pity people who are up to their neck in service. I
happen to know that those have found value to their lives. In fact, they are
the people who are most alive. If you’re not serving, you’re not living; you’re
just existing.
Service makes life meaningful.