About Me

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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Edwin Elisha James is an Evangelist whose commitment to preach wherever the Lord leads him has fructified in bringing hundreds of souls to the Lord - a dream and a desire that he has harboured for the longest time!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bring the Gospel to the World

Bring the Gospel to the World

Our Lord was serious about telling His followers to share the gospel. Consider how you spend your time and your money.  Does this indicate obedience to the most important assignment you have ever received? What changes must you make to give Jesus’ commandment top priority?

Obeying God

To become like Daniel, we must make a wholehearted commitment to follow the Lord and consistently apply Scripture to our decision making. Then, when challenges come, we’ll have the courage to obey God’s commands. Our Father is pleased when we choose a lifestyle of obedience like Daniel’s.

Hearing the Call

Carrying the gospel is a great opportunity to serve God. What better way to thank Him for saving us and writing our name in the Book of Life than to share that experience with others. If the Lord’s still small voice is calling you, say yes and see what amazing, life-changing work He can do through you.

The Missionary Call

Mission work can occur near or far. You could serve: at home by writing to prisoners; down the street by dishing out meals at a shelter; across the nation by providing flood relief; or in a foreign land by translating the gospel. In short, a missionary calling is whatever God tells you to do.

The Missionary Question

I challenge you to ask the Lord, “Am I open to going anywhere You send me?” Our roots in a community should be sunk only as deep as God wills. If you aren’t called to go, then choose to be a sender. Offer your prayers, your money, and anything else that will help to put others on the mission field.

Walking Wisely

The Lord wants us to walk wisely so that we can enjoy all the marvelous benefits that He’s promised in His Word and longs to give us. Wasted opportunities and time misspent can never be reclaimed. Let’s commit to make our lives count for Christ instead of merely living for ourselves.

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