Sunday, November 21, 2010


 “Let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us, confirming the work that we do.”  Psalm 90:17, The Message

Anger. It’s a peculiar yet predictable emotion. It begins as a drop of water. An irritant. A frustration. Nothing big, just an aggravation. Someone gets your parking place. A waitress is slow and you are in a hurry. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Yet, get enough of these seemingly innocent drops of anger and before long you’ve got a bucket full of rage . . .
Now, is that any way to live?
Anger never did anyone any good.

 He is near

 “He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”  Isaiah 53:12 NIV
God is in the thick of things in your world. He has not taken up residence in a distant galaxy . . . He has not chosen to seclude Himself on a throne in an incandescent castle.
He has drawn near. He has involved Himself in the car pools, heartbreaks, and funeral homes of our day. He is as near to us on Monday as He is on Sunday. As near in the school room as in the sanctuary.

It’s Not Too Late

 “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.”  Luke 5:10, NASB
Christ . . . doesn’t abandon self-confessed schlemiels. Quite the contrary, he enlists them . . .
Contrary to what you may have been told, Jesus doesn’t limit his recruiting to the stout-hearted. The beat-up and worn-out are prime prospects in his book, and he’s been known to climb into boats, bars, and brothels to tell them, “It’s not too late to start over.”


 “‘I will feed my my flock, and I will make them lie down,’ says the Lord God.”  Ezekiel 34:15, NKJV
What the shepherd does with the flock, our Shepherd will do with us. He will lead us to the high country. When the pasture is bare down here, God will lead us up there. He will guide us through the gate, out of the flatlands, and up the path of the mountain.

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