Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Guideline for Godliness

Fervent intercession for the church is a mark of a godly person.

Psalms 106:2-3

2 Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the LORD or fully declare his praise? 3 Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right.

Intercede for God’s people to bring repentance and avert judgment.


Our Father who loves us will hear us when we call to Him, and will answer according to His perfect love and wisdom.

Here’s how to ask the Creator to become your Savior:

Tell God that you want to accept his way to know true peace and joy.

Tell him that you know that without his help, you understand that you will be separated from the creator in life and in death.

Accept Jesus as God’s only provision to deal with your separation to deal with your separation from him.

Invite Jesus, God’s Son, to take control of your life and place you in his care

God’s Spirit is working in you:

"You cannot reproduce the character of Jesus on your own strength. New Year's resolutions, willpower, and best intentions are not enough. Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes God wants to make in our lives."

Work to please God, not people:

“When you work with all your heart, motivated by the love of Christ, your work will be transformed into an act of worship for God”.

Satan loves isolated believers:

“Mind your own business” is not a Christian phrase.

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