Saturday, July 21, 2012

Praise be to God for the gift of His Son!

Our spiritual trek has been an exciting adventure, because we have meditated on the most exciting Person who ever lived. Christ has been the chief Actor, occupying center stage in this, the greatest drama in all of human history. In His birth, He became our Brother; in His life, our Teacher and Example; in His death, our Redeemer; in His resurrection, our Conqueror; and in His second coming He is our Hope. Now He is the all-sufficient One; He is all things to all people.

To the astronomer, He is the chief Cornerstone.

To the architect, He is the chief Cornerstone.

To the builder, He is the sure Foundation.

To the banker, He is the living Treasure.

To the biologist, He is the Life.

To the carpenter, He is the door.

To the doctor, He is the great Physician.

To the florist, He is the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon.

To the geologist, He is the Rock of Ages.

To the jeweler, He is the Pearl of Great Price.

To the judge, He is the Judge of all nations.

To the king, He is the Lord of the universe.

To the lawyer, He is the Advocate.

To the newspaper reporter, He is the good tidings of the great joy.

To the philosopher, He is the Truth.

To the philanthropist, He is the unspeakable Gift.

To the scientist, He is the Creator.

To the student, He is the great Teacher.

To the traveler, He is the way.

To the sinner, He is Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. 

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