Sunday, July 22, 2012

Say It!

All too often we take for granted the ones we love. Perhaps we get caught up in the day-to-day process of living and working, and we neglect to share our true inner feelings. "She knows I love her," we tell ourselves. But we never tell our spouse.

Maybe you grew up in a family where positive, loving feelings were never expressed in words, so you don't know what to say. Perhaps you're afraid you'll say the wrong thing or that if you try to express your feelings you won't be able to control them. That's okay, even if you cry.

An advertisement reads, "Say it with flowers!" Maybe that's how you tell that special someone of your love. Or perhaps you say it with a well-chosen card. My wife loves dark chocolates, so I often give her candy and a card on special occasions. She appreciates these tokens of love, but I've learned over the years not to let the card or the gift do all the work of saying what I really feel inside. I also need to say the words, "I love you."

Everyone needs to hear words of love. In the Song of Solomon, the lovers frequently used endearing terms when speaking to each other.

Today, tell that special person "I love you," not just with candy or flowers but with words. 

Friends, life is too short, we don’t know about our tomorrow, please don’t delay in saying these words.

When was the last time you said "I love you" to a special person in your life? Think of a quality you appreciate in that person and tell him or her about it.

A word of love can make a world of difference.

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