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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Edwin Elisha James is an Evangelist whose commitment to preach wherever the Lord leads him has fructified in bringing hundreds of souls to the Lord - a dream and a desire that he has harboured for the longest time!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Adding Luster Life

“I will delight myself in your statutes; I will not forget Your Word”…Psalm 119:16

While traveling on the ocean liner Vistafjord, Eleanor Sass and several other passengers were invited by the captain to visit the ship’s bridge. There the engineer explained the workings of the intricate equipment, such as the compass and radar.

But what impressed many of the passengers most was all the brass, which gleamed like gold. “How often do you polish all this?” one man asked an officer. “Every day,” was the reply. “For the minute you stop polishing it, the brass starts to tarnish.”

That reply made Eleanor think about something she had stopped doing—reading God’s Word every night. She recognized that her neglect of the Word of God was causing her life to be “tarnished”. So, at bedtime that night she took out the Bible she had seen earlier in the dresser drawer. She began again to turn to God in His Word.

Have you been reading the Bible, or have you been neglecting that discipline? Psalm 119 encourages us to seek the Lord with our whole heart, to delight in His statutes, and not to forget His Word.

If your relationship with God has lost its spiritual luster, it needs to be polished by the faithful habit of daily Scripture reading.

•          Life is a journey, but how can it become a good journey, but one that fulfill the purpose for which we were created? You will only make this journey once. Why not make the most of it?

•          God choose to give you life. He is the creator of everything—including you. This journey is yours to travel—but God gave it to you. Never forget. God put you on the journey called life.

•          Once greatest joy will come from giving ourselves back to Him and learning to walk with Him every day until we return to Him.

When my ways grows drear

Precious Lord linger near

When my life is almost gone

Hear my cry, hear my call

Hold my hand lest I fall

Take my hand, precious Lord,

Lead me home.

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