Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Lord Jesus, be my lamp and light,

My only way.

Be Thou my guide and give me sight,

Or else I stray.

Help me Thy Word to understand,

To listen for Thy least command,

And fully trusting in Thy hand

All Thy will obey.

Lord, I have searched in vain

For joy and peace and rest;

I’ve found them not in this bright world;

Savior, I need Thee-God’s Best.

Rich beyond all telling,

Christ in heaven dwelling,

Came to earth in poverty that we might be

Rich beyond all telling,

With God’s Spirit dwelling

In our hearts to reign now and eternity.

The stone was rolled away

From where the Savior lay,

When Jesus rose again.

A living Savior is He,

From sin to set me free;

To Him all glory be

Who died and rose again!


Do not put your will above God’s will. Do not insist on your way. Do not dictate to God. Do not expect an immediate answer in the way, the place and the manner that you are demanding. Rather, learn the difficult lesson of praying as the sinless Son of God himself prayed: “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42)       …Billy Graham

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