Sunday, May 26, 2013



I am a witness. I’m not here to smack people over the head with the gospel. I’m here to tell them what has happened to me. That’s what a witness does in court. I look at my life and I know beyond shadow of a doubt where I would be were it not for my faith in Christ. So I pray and ask God for opportunities to tell others about what He has done for me.      - Phil Callaway


Why should you give out tracts? Here are 10 reasons:

They are a very economical form of evangelism

They work while we sleep

They have the ability to get into a house and stay there

They are never afraid or show cowardice

They are never tempted to compromise their message

They never get tired, discouraged or give up

They stick to what they have to say and never argue

They can present the message when don't have time

They can go to places where we cannot

They get people in the mood – they only speak when they are read

~ Moses spent forty years thinking he was somebody; then he spent forty years on the backside of the desert realizing he was nobody; finally, he spent the last forty years of his life leaning what God can do with a nobody! … Dwight L. Moody

~ The brook would lose its song if the rocks were removed…Unknown


Faithfulness is God’s requirements;

Fruitfulness is His reward.

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