Friday, July 26, 2013


~~ "Men of prayer are men of faith; closet supplicants make faith’s heroes." – The War Cry (1895)

~~ “God has honored this generation as He has never honored a generation before. He has thrown dazzling opportunities before it. He has flung wide open for it the doors of access to all parts of His world and has laid at its feet every possible advantage and facility.” -  Lovell Murray.

~~ Go into the World…

People ask, “What is God saying to the Church today? Why is that a problem? Does God speak so inaudibly? He says nothing today that is not in His Word already. I know one thing that God is saying. If our prophets are true they will be voicing the same urgency as Jesus Christ, and echoing the same Great Commission: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature: (Mark 16:15). - R. Bonnke

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