Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The book of MATTHEW -3

What we can learn from the book of Matthew from its 28 chapters?


Jesus instructs the twelve apostles:

Instructions for the twelve apostles

Warning about the out trouble

The one to fear

Telling others about Christ

Not peace, but trouble



Jesus faces opponents and their questions

John the Baptist

The unbelieving Towns

Come to Me and Rest


A Question about the Sabbath

A Man with a Crippled Hand

God’s chosen servant

Jesus and the ruler of the demons

A tree and its fruit

A sign from heaven

Return of an evil spirit

Jesus’ mother and brothers


Jesus tells stories about the kingdom of Heaven:

A story about farmer

Why Jesus used stories

Jesus explains the story

Weeds among the wheat

Stories about a mustard seed and yeast

The reason for teaching with stories

Jesus explains the story about the weeds

A hidden treasure

A valuable pearl

A fish net

New and Old Testament

The people of Nazareth turn against Jesus

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