Friday, June 26, 2015

The Book of Genesis

Personal Application - 

Genesis immediately brings into question many secular world views, so serious Genesis students must become accustomed to thinking differently. We must perceive the world and its history as the ancient biblical authors reveal it. For example, the narratives of chapters 1-3 are not to be understood allegorically but as actual history. The Word of God must always stand above the word of man; we are not to judge His Word, but rather, it judges us. 

Therefore, ancient Hebrews should not be thought as a primitive Greek thinking about world realities may be our heritage, but it is not always true.

Genesis teaches many other lessons as well. Abraham is our example of faith (15:6 Gal 3:7); Joseph’s life is an exquisite sermon for all who suffer unfairly and is a challenge to faithfulness in this age of undisciplined permissiveness. 

Finally, we understand human nature properly only as we grasp the truth of “original sin”. When Adam sinned all of us not only sinned but inherited a resident sin nature (8:21, Rom 5:19, 7:18). Only a Savior can deal effectively with this inherited natural corruption. 

Action Ezekiel Invites - in Ezekiel. 14:15-20

Be assured that you will not be saved by another’s righteousness or be judged for another’s sin.

Lesson for Leaders:

Ezekiel focuses on the common failure of God’s servants. This results from their gauging their success by man’s approval rather than by God’s standards. Ezekiel is rich with insight into the hearts of God’s people. Though ostensibly desiring God’s will and way, some seek their own benefit and personal gain. God warns the prophets not to presume the outward devotion of people is genuine unless sacrificial and transformed living is manifest. 


- If you are strangers to prayer you are strangers to power. - Billy Sunday

"Continuing instant in prayer (Rom. 12:12). The Greek is a metaphor taken from hunting dogs that never give over the game till they have their prey." - Thomas Brooks

"I was enabled to lie at Jesus' feet and to wash them with the tears of contrition. No pleasure I have ever found in the Christian life is superior to this." - Edward Payson 


 “Are you dismayed, lonely, afraid; Thinking yourself forsaken? God is your stay, trust Him and pray; New hope He will awaken!” 

Don’t Look Back

 “Look not back on yesterday. So full of failure and regret; look ahead and seek God’s way…All sin confessed you must forget.” 

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