Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A little bit…

Long ago, I learned a very important spiritual principle that Jesus taught His disciples in a dramatic, miraculous way on a hillside beside the Sea of Galilee. The disciples had been under a lot of pressure. They had slipped in the hill country with Jesus, hoping for a time of retreat. Instead, five thousand people showed up, wanting Jesus to heal and teach them—which he graciously did. None of the five thousand had eaten all day long—and most had not brought any provision for a meal. 

The disciples wanted to send them away since they had no food, either. But Jesus told His disciples to feed them—an impossible task. However, Andrew was resourceful enough to find a little boy with five loaves and two fish—which seemed totally inadequate for the need at hand. And it was totally inadequate! That little bit of food was less than nothing when compared to more than five thousand hungry people! But it was all the little boy and the disciples had to give. Jesus took it, and blessed it, and broke it, and handed it back to the disciples—and they passed it out, and continued passing it out, until all five thousand people were fed to the full! 

The point Jesus got across to His disciples was that it didn’t matter if they only had little bit—a little bit…. 

Of time, of money, of education, of ability, of knowledge of strength, of resources…. 

What mattered was that they gave all that they had to Jesus. Then He would make it 

Would you give to Jesus all of your words, 

Your conversations, 

Your thoughts, 

Your knowledge, 

Your convictions, 

Your courage? 

And ask Him to bless it and make it enough to impact the lives of others? The difference between a little bit and enough is the Holy Spirit. And it’s the Holy Spirit who will fill you with such deep conviction, passion, and zeal for the truth that you will be compelled to speak up!


Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.

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