Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Characteristics of a Godly man

1. STEP UP: Lead. Initiate. Be a man of action. Assume it is your job and your moment. Hate apathy. Reject passivity.  - Ezekiel 22:30

2. SPEAK OUT: Silence in the midst of sin is a sin. Be courageous. Fear God not man. Speak the truth in love. - 1 Peter 3:15

3. STAND STRONG: Don’t give in when you are challenged, attacked or criticized. - 1 Cor 15:58

4. STAY HUMBLE: Be vigilant against pride. Get the log out of your eye. Don’t think less of yourself, think of yourself less. - Psalm 141:5

5. SERVE THE KING: Seek first His Kingdom, His glory, His righteousness. Hope in the eternal. Live for a greater reward. -  Matthew 6:33


Looking for Christ’s return makes a difference in your life.

To feel good about yourself, do what pleases God.

A bite of sin leaves a bitter aftertaste.

The highest motive for serving God is the desire to please Him.

A friend of God will be a stranger to the world.

To love God is to obey God.


+ Ps. 39:30 “I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.”

+ According to the scriptures, the Devil is small enough to fit under our feet and God is big enough to fill both heaven and earth.


Coming together is a beginning

Keeping together is a progress

Working together is a success. 


Christmas is the Spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. it is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.


Sin is something we don’t like to talk about unless it is someone else’s sin. We don’t like to talk about our sin and even acknowledge it, but we must if we are going to be what God wants us to be.

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