Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Be an imitator of God

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” - Ephesians 5:1-2, ESV

Have you ever spent time with a small child or baby and had them mimic your every sound or action? To them it’s a fun game, but internally, they are learning by watching and copying everything you do. They just observe and do the same thing. That’s because we are all wired to be imitators.

Even as adults, just like little children, we are all still imitators. So many people today end up imitating what they see in the world, on TV, in the news and magazines. But scripture tells us that we are to be imitators of God and follow His example of love.

If you need to make a change in your life today, change what you are imitating. Change your focus. The more you focus on the Word, the more you will imitate God. When you do things God’s way, you will get God’s results—peace, joy and blessing all the days of your life!

Colossians 1:13

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves

Thoughts on This Verse....

God doesn't just hear our cries for deliverance; he sends a powerful Deliverer! God sent Moses in response to the Israelites' cries from Egypt (see Exodus 3). God also sent Jesus in response to the world's cries for deliverance from its bondage to the evil prince of darkness. Our new world, our Kingdom, is built on love — the sacrificial love of a Savior who not only conquered death for us, but gave himself up to do so. Jesus is not only our rescuer (saves us FROM something), he is also our Savior (also saves us FOR something as well)!


- Jehovah Nissi – the Lord our  Banner,

- Jehovah Rapha – the Lord our Healer.

God Promises Us a Refuge

“God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). What a great and simple promise! This does not imply that we huddle and are panic-stricken behind a protective wall. It pictures a person actively involved in life, for the psalmist says that God is ever present.” He goes with His people into the scene of suffering onto the platform of pain to sustain them in the midst of it.

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