Saturday, July 9, 2016

Why do we need anointing?

The anointing gives us the ability to do God’s will. It gives us the ability to continue the works of Jesus Christ. Because, we are the body of Christ, we should continue the works of Christ. The following are some of the reasons why God gives the anointing of the Holy Spirit to His servants, disciples and believers.

1. To break every yoke – Isa. 10:27

2. To receive answers to every prayer – Eph. 3:20

3. To get healed of all diseases – Rom. 8:11

4. To heal the sick – Mt. 10:18

5. To receive power – Acts 1:8

6. To cast the demons –Mt. 10:8

7. To perform miracles – Mk 16:17

8. To live an overcoming an victorious Christian life – Lk. 10:19

9. To be a witness – Acts 1:8

10. To preach the gospel – Mt. 10:7

11. To receive the wisdom of God – Jas. 1:5

12. To be filled with the love of God. – Rom. 5:5

13. To have divine prosperity – Mal. 3:10

14. To go about doing good or to bless others – Acts 10:38

Exodus 6:30

But Moses said to the LORD, "Since I speak with faltering lips, why would Pharaoh listen to me?" —

Thoughts on This  Verse....

Moses had to learn the same lesson most of us have to learn: folks really don't care that much about what we say. If the truth be known, most of us can't say it very well, anyway. But, when we offer ourselves to the Lord, he truly works through us and uses us in mighty ways. Ol' Stammerin' Mo' is the great testimony that God can take a shepherd with faltering speech and turn him into the greatest leader of his time. Don't you think we had better ask what God wants to do with us, and get to doing it!


Loving Father, please use me in your service. I recognize that all the gifts, abilities, and experiences that I have came from you. All my capabilities are given to me so I can bring you praise. So please enable me to use my abilities for your glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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