Monday, August 7, 2017

Gentiles – 2

(Bible study)

In the New Testament Simeon blesses the child Jesus, and says that he will be a “light to the nations” (Luke 2:29-32). Jesus reaches out to heal people who are not Jewish, like the man with the demon in the Greek city of Gerasa (Mark 5), the deaf man in the region of Tyre and Sidon (Mark 7:31-37), and the young servant of a Roman officer (Matt 8:5-13). The apostles decide that anyone from any nation who worships God and does right is acceptable to God (Acts 10:35).

Paul says that both Jews and Gentiles who trust what God has done through Jesus areaccepted into the life of his people (Gal 2:11-16). The author of REVELATION celebrates the fact that Jesus was willing to die for the sins of the whole world and makes it possible for people from every tribe and nation, language and race to share in the kingdom of God (Rev 5:6-10). They can share the privilege that only israle’s priests were preciolusly allowed to enjoy – they can enter into God’s presence.


Faith is often a waiting journey.

Faith is not a walk of knowing.

Faith is not a knowing journey.

Faith is knowing Him,

Not knowing what the future holds,

But knowing the One who holds the future,

Knowing He is God,

Knowing He is Sovereign.

Spiritual Thoughts

A heart that is open to Christ will be open to those He loves.

God’s wisdom overshadows our self-centeredness.

Words that point us to Christ are always words that matter.

God is not nearly as concerned with our ability as He is with our surrender.

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