Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Bible Quiz on Animals – 2

13. What animal  did Abraham sacrifice in place of Isaac?

Ans: Ram (Gen. 22:13)

14. What animal  did Samson kill with his bare hands?

Ans: Lion (Judges 14:5-6)

15. What animal did Elijah sacrifice on Mount Carmel?

Ans: Bullock (1 Kings 18:33)

16. To what animal is Satan compared in 1 Peter 5:8?
Ans: A Roaring Lion (1 Peter 5:8)
17. What animal crushed a prophet’s foot  against a wall?

Ans: Balaam’s Ass (Num. 22:25)

18. In the Parable of the Rich man and Lazarus, what animals licked the sores of Lazarus?

Ans: Dogs (Luke 16:21)

19. What constituted part of the wealth of the patriarchs?
Ans: Animals (Job 1:3)

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction
Malachi 4:6 promised that fathers and children would be reunited in heart. Let's make that true in our homes by nurturing and correcting our children — with a balance between nurture and correction. Let's not make our faith so full of rules and restrictions that it becomes impossible for our children to hear that they are our beloved children, with whom we are very pleased! Let's not grant so much freedom that our children feel neglected and uncertain. Let's turn our hearts toward them and pray for God to turn their hearts toward their home with us and their home with you!


. Loving and Tender Shepherd, the great Guardian of the Flock, please be glorified in my life. Please physically and spiritually protect the following people for whom I have deep concerns. In the name of Jesus.

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