Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Lent Season

The Lenten Season originated during the fourth century A.D. it Lasts for 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Saturday before Easter. (This year  Ash Wednesday: February 14, Good Friday: March 30, & Easter: April 1.)

The number 40 is an important number in the Bible. Many  biblical events are connected  with this number such as Great flood [Gen. 6], the Israelites ate manna for 40 years [Exd. 16:35]. Moses spent 40 days  and nights on the mountain with God [Exd. 24:18]. Elijah travelled for 40 days and 40 nights  to Mount Horeb (Sinai – 1Kings 19:8).

Our Lord fasted and prayed for 40 days before He began His public ministry [Mt. 4:1-2]

Things to Observe or Follow during Lent are:

- I will turn  away from my sin and  ask for God’s forgiveness

- I will devote my time, talents and life to God

- Eliminate wasteful habits, excessive expenses, cut down on unnecessary purchases

- Give up one big meal a week, daily choose simpler, more healthful meals. Make your family focus of mealtime.
- Self-denial is a positive act. Help others though Church activities. Watch less television or videos, forgo some favourite sports events and pray instead.

- Spend more time in reading, studying and meditating Word of God and Praying.

- Attend Church regularly with family.

- Maintain good fellowship other believers.

- Consider about the many times that God has forgiven you.

- Speak forgiveness from someone you have hurt

- Forgive someone who has hurt you

- Ask God to forgive  your sins and commit your life to Him. Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.

- Think about better  ways  to resolve problems at home and at work.

- Meet God in the morning, walk with Him during day and night.

- Think about my attitudes and behaviour patterns that need to change. Pray  for God’s help in changing them.

- Read the Bible everyday for God’s guidance, inspiration and comfort.

- Join a prayer group.

- I will live a full Christian life by sharing your resources and talents with others.

- I will show my concern, be compassionate towards the needy, unfortunate, the suffering and the lonely persons.

- I will not gossip or spread rumours.

- I will pray for Christians who are persecuted.

- I will visit patients in the hospital and senior and lonely people.

- I will pray for prisoners and their families.

- Pray for Great Commission work.

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