Saturday, February 6, 2021

Living Amidst False Teachers

Jude 1:17-19

Mock truth. 

That is, they attack or attempt to discredit the Word of God or the church. When presented in a passionate and intelligent-sounding way, anti-church sentiment can lure even the most sincere people to doubt the truth of Scripture.

Follow unrighteous impulses. 

False teachers pick and choose verses to justify their sinful habits and desires. For them, the interpretation of Scripture is selective.

Divide people. 

They try to appear superior to their listeners. Some claim an experience that elevates them to a “higher level,” while others profess a more advanced spirituality that no one else could ever achieve.

Are worldly-minded. 

False teachers are not interested in teaching God’s Word. Instead, their focus is usually on what they can achieve, how many people will follow them, or how much they can earn through their teaching.


Originally one, Adam has fallen, and, breaking up … he has filled the whole earth 

with the pieces.  – Augustine 


Proverbs 29:1

Whoever remains stiff-necked  after many rebukes

 will suddenly be destroyed —without remedy.

1 John 4:6

We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us.  This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth  and the spirit of falsehood.


. Most of us spend the first six days of each week sowing wild oats, then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure. - Fred Allen

[Message No: 7981]

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