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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Edwin Elisha James is an Evangelist whose commitment to preach wherever the Lord leads him has fructified in bringing hundreds of souls to the Lord - a dream and a desire that he has harboured for the longest time!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

He is risen indeed!!!

By Dr. Stafford Cripps

Amongst the millions of tombs around the world how many tombs are empty..?


So many religious leaders were born who did great things when they were alive! But today they are no more. You can speak about them only in past tense!

What about JESUS our Savior and Lord..? He is alive today!! Yes, HE is the same yesterday, Today and Forever! (Hebrews 13:8)

When JESUS CHRIST said "It is finished", His life story did not end on the Calvary's Cross but the purpose for which He came down to this planet earth was finished or Mission accomplished! That's why when He was born, He was given a very special name ~ "JESUS" (Luke 1:31) And the meaning of this name is recorded in Matthew 1:21 where we read ~ "Thou shalt call His name JESUS because He shall deliver mankind from their sins". The purpose of giving that name was accomplished when He died as a supreme sacrifice on that Old Rugged Cross!

The Christian faith is shrouded in the supernatural.

Jesus Christ's birth was supernatural, with an earthly mother but not earthly father.
His death was also supernatural. The world had never seen a death like this before!
The greatest miracle of all ages was the supernatural bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ which has been attested to in the greatest book ever written ~ The Holy Bible.

In I Corinthians Apostle Paul said ~ Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day.

Jesus Himself said in John 10:18 ~ I have power to lay down my life and power to take it again...
Disciples of our Lord were known as the happy go lucky people ever lived on earth! Because though they had to confront difficult problems and situations, they never had any tension. If they had any problem our good Lord used to solve them being a very present help in times of their crisis. (Psalm 46:1), If they were sick, He used to heal them (Psalm 103:3) and even if they were to die, He would have raised them like He raised Lazarus from death! (John 11:43). But when JESUS their ultimate HOPE died, their faith was shattered! They felt like orphaned! On that Good Friday 2000 years ago they were filled with worries, fear, and disillusioned!

Judas betrayed Christ, Peter denied Him, Disciples let Him down at the crucial moment of His life and others forsook Him. Disciples were besieged by doubts fears, frustration and anxiety. Being frightened, they hid themselves behind closed doors. Because they were afraid to face the Jewish people, Pharisees and the Roman government!

They were huddled up in a locked room filled with worry and tension. On the night of Crucifixion and Holy Saturday, they could not sleep as they were dismayed and filled with fear.

On the first day of that week, early in the morning they went to the sepulchre to see a dead Christ and not a Living Savior!


Like a blast of thousand trumpets at sun rise after a night of unthinkable horror came the cry of proclamation ~


HE IS RISEN!!! (Matthew 28:20)

From street to street, house to house, lanes and by lanes the message came loud and clear ~ The Lord has risen indeed!!!

Yes! Resurrection of Christ transformed and gave a boost to the faith of His disciples and followers. In the face of opposition and almost certain death, they went out with boldness to preach the Living Christ! In Hebrews 11:32-37 we read ~ They were willing to be persecuted, chained, tortured, stoned, slain with sword, scourged, put into prison, even sawed in two!  They were willing to face any eventuality, even to be martyred for Christ Who said in John 11:25 ~ "I AM the Resurrection and the Life, he that believes me, though he were dead shall live again". That's why Apostle Paul could boldly exclaim in Philippians 1:21 ~ "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain" in spite of knowing that he would be beheaded!

Today we are living in a fast changing world. We see the changes in the field of politics, fashion, education, science and technology and also in the thinking process of present day people especially the Christians towards their spiritual life. But we trust in an unchanging God and Savior Who can change us and transform us, change the situation for our peace, happiness & joy if we trust in HIM!

I often say ~ In the storms of crisis, there's some one Who is greater then the storm and mightier than the waves Who is able to say even today in this 21st century ~ "PEACE BE STILL!" because the Bible says in Hebrews 13:8 ~ "JESUS The CHRIST is The same Yesterday, Today and Forever...!"

Lord Jesus Christ Who died for My sins, Your sins and the sins of the whole world on Mt. Golgotha and Who rose from the tomb is standing just next to You and Me (Psalm121:5). Because He Loves us (I John 4:8) and cares for us!

In this sin-cursed world, whenever we are confronted with difficult problems and situation and whenever we feel lonely and depressed let's remember the assuring words of our Sovereign Lord ~ "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world..." (I John 4:4)
Dearly beloved what more we want..?

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