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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Edwin Elisha James is an Evangelist whose commitment to preach wherever the Lord leads him has fructified in bringing hundreds of souls to the Lord - a dream and a desire that he has harboured for the longest time!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Facts about neighbors

Lying to forbidden

Leviticus 2:7-14

7 If your grain offering is cooked in a pan, it is to be made of fine flour and oil.

8 Bring the grain offering made of these things to the LORD; present it to the priest, who shall take it to the altar.

9 He shall take out the memorial portion from the grain offering and burn it on the altar as an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.

10 The rest of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons; it is a most holy part of the offerings made to the LORD by fire.

11  “‘Every grain offering you bring to the LORD must be made without yeast, for you are not to burn any yeast or honey in an offering made to the LORD by fire.

12 You may bring them to the LORD as an offering of the firstfruits, but they are not to be offered on the altar as a pleasing aroma.

13 Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings; add salt to all your offerings.

14 “‘if you bring a grain offering of first fruits to the LORD, offer crushed heads of new grain roasted in the fire.

Leviticus 19:11  

“‘Do not steal.

“‘Do not lie. “‘Do not deceive one another.

07.       Defraud not

Leviticus 19:13  

“‘Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him. “‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight.

08.       Do not rob

Leviticus 19:13  

“‘Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him. “‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight.

09.       Judge righteously

Leviticus 19:15  

“‘Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.

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