Thursday, December 20, 2012

Youth in the Bible:

Young people are often related to the worst problems in society. It’s interesting that this is not the picture of youth that the Bible gives. While there are some negative examples of young people in Scripture, the overwhelming majority are positive. For example:

•          Isaac, as young man, simply obeyed his father to the point of being a sacrifice.

•          Joseph, at seventeen, was sold into slavery by his brothers but lived for God.

•          Samuel, as a lad heard the voice of God and became a great leader.

•          David, as a youth, faced Goliath and led a nation.

•          Jeremiah was called to be prophet as a youth.

•          Josiah chose to follow God as a youth and led a revival while a young king.

•          Esther, as a young maiden, stood for God.

•          Daniel and his friends, possibly middle-school aged, stood for God in the face of the mighty king of Babylon.

•          Mary was probably a teen when she gave birth to the Lord Jesus.

•          Timothy was told not to let anyone look down on his youth but to be an example.

•          And the first recorded words of Jesus, at age twelve, were, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house? (Luke 2:49).


10 Things Jehovah Is

Psalm 144

1 My strength (v. 1)

2 My Teacher of warfare

3 My goodness (v. 2)

4 My fortress

5 My high tower

6 My Deliverer

7 My shield (v. 7)

8 My trust (v. 2)

9 My Conqueror (v. 2)

10 My salvation (v. 10)

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