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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Edwin Elisha James is an Evangelist whose commitment to preach wherever the Lord leads him has fructified in bringing hundreds of souls to the Lord - a dream and a desire that he has harboured for the longest time!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The best friend

 A man may have many acquaintances, but he will have few friends; he may count himself happy if he has one who will be faithful to him in time of trouble. If that person has also been kind to his father before him, he should never be slighted, much less alienated. Real friends are to be retained with great care, and, if need be, with great sacrifice. The wisdom of the world teaches this, and inspiration confirms it.

 If we rise into a higher sphere, it is mach more so. There we have one Friend—the Friend of sinners, who in infinite condescension has called us friends, and has shown that greatest of all love-laying down his life for his friends. To him we must cleave in life and death. To forsake him would be horrible ingratitude.

Descriptive Title: “Thine own friend and thy father’s friend.”

1.         “Friend”: implies kindness, attachment, and help

 2.        “Father’s friend”; one who has been faithful, unchanging, patient, wise, and tried, and this in the experience of our own father, on whose judgment we can depend.

3.         “Thine own friend,” with whom you have enjoyed converse, in whom you can safely place confidence, with whom you have common objects, to whom you have made private revelations.

4.         Do not forget the other side of friendship: thou must be a friend to him whom thou callest thy friend. “He that hath friends must shew himself friendly.”

In all these points our Lord Jesus is the best example of a friend, and it is well for us” “This is my beloved, and this is my friend.”

Suggestive advice: “Forsake not.”

1.         What it does not suggest. It gives no kind of hint that he will ever forsake us. Hath he not said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee?

 2.        In what sense can we forsake him? Alas, some professed friends of Jesus become traitors, others follow afar off, grow cold, turn to the world, lose fellowship, do not defend his cause etc.,

3.         What are the signs of this forsaking? They can be seen in the heart, heard in the conversation, marked in the absence of zeal and liberality, and at length detected in actual sins.
Consequent Resolve:  I will cleave to him.

Let us cling to Jesus.

In faith, resting alone with him.= In creed, accepting his every teaching.= In confession, declaring our loyalty to him.= In practice, following with him.= In love, abiding in fellowship with him.

What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and grief’s to bear!

What a privilege to carry Every thing to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,

All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer!

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